About Intercrop

Established in 1992 the Intercrop Group is one of the leading salad growers in Europe. Intercrop grows 30 different types of crops on our farms in the UK and Spain, with two sites Intercrop is able to produce fresh, high quality crops for 12 months of the year.

Our key strengths


Seasonal Update

Drilling has started early for the 2022 season after a dry mild winter!

Working Safely with COVID-19

The safety of our staff and the public is of the highest priority. As a business we confirm that we have complied with the government's guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19. We have carried out risk assessments and have summarised the control measures below:

  1. Staff and Public Engagement – through regular staff memos, employee council meetings and suggestion boxes: government advice, company policy changes and mental health advice and support is shared and feedback gathered and actioned as necessary. Risk assessments have been shared with all staff and summarised for the public with information shared online and at footpath entry points.
  2. Cleaning and Hygiene - Extra sanitiser stations have been placed around the site with extra cleaning and disinfection of common touch points conducted. Hand washing frequency has been increased above already high standards. Shared tools and equipment is sanitised between users and portable field toilet cleaning frequency increased.
  3. Social Distancing – company adherence to 2m ruling for all work, meetings, communal areas and activities. Screens and fixed pairings are used where face to face work or close work is essential. Non-essential visits have been stopped. Personnel flow has been limited between buildings. Staggered breaks and start times are in place to separate staff mixing. Field shelters are being used to maintain spacing on breaks. Lorry driver facilities have been separated from main staff.
  4. Incident Action Planning – Crisis management meetings are held at least twice per week. A positive case action plan is in place. Contactless medical thermometers used and test booking assistance available to all staff when symptoms develop, or individual concerns arise.

Our risk assessments will be continually reviewed, and controls improved. Further details can be requested through our Contact Us section. 

Our Mission Statement

"Our mission is to build upon our long tradition of quality, value and consistency of supply, introducing new and innovative products into the market place to meet the specific needs of our customers. We aim to achieve these goals through strategic planning and careful implementation, whilst upholding our responsibilities to shareholders, employees and suppliers, and respecting the needs of the environment and communities within we operate."

Our products

Whole Head

Wholehead lettuces are plants that have been allowed to grow to their optimum size and maturity

Whole Head crops

Babyleaf and Spinach

Baby leaf lettuce is drilled at high density and machine harvested with specially designed harvesting equipment, to produce small delicate individual salad leaves.

Babyleaf and Spinach crops


Multileaf lettuce are a new development in a lettuce breeding

Multileaf crops


Herbs are aromatic plants, used for food flavouring.

Herbs crops


Through our on farm BRC accredited packing facility, we offer a range of packed solo and mixed leaf, to meet specific individual customer requirements.

Prepacked crops